Sunday 30 December 2018

Cars that drive themselves.

First published on Linked In on the 19th July 2017.

They seem fine, we read or see so many articles describing how the writer is reading a newspaper or waving at other drivers whilst his or her car gets on with driving along, keeping a safe distance, lane discipline, and making progress to their destination etcetera.

Everything in the garden is rosy, or is it?

Then we come to what I call the Sat Nav problem.  When you are nearly there, the Sat Nav blithely announces “You will reach your destination in 100 feet.”  Then, a little later, announces “You have reached your destination.  The destination is on your right.”  And switches off.  In the middle of the road.

Now in most instances I am ready, prepared for this and can see where to go to park the car or move on to another destination.  What happens if the driver is not ready or capable of taking over control of the car at that point?  I have given this situation a good deal of thought and am somewhat concerned if manufacturers release this too prematurely onto the market.  What safeguards are there going to be to direct the car to and into a safe, appropriate parking space rather than, say, “Selfridges, London”?

When on my own, I am perfectly happy to park some way away and stroll to my destination; but my wife is disabled and when we are travelling together, I will be looking for a disabled bay or some other, legal space close to the physical destination.

I do hope that this element of the “Journey experience” is being carefully considered.

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