Wednesday 26 December 2018

Why “The Pedants Revolt”?

I use Pedants to chime with the Peasants’ Revolt in the late 14th century.  But I have missed out any apostrophes in the title or the URL.  This is purely to make it easier to type in the name or to appear in search engines.  If I did put in an apostrophe, should I make it Pedant’s or Pedants’?  With the former, it means that this is just me speaking; but with the latter, it means that I am speaking on behalf of the larger Pedant community.  Let’s just leave this as an enigma shall we?

Well, I am not very pedantic, but I do see so many websites and so forth where the writer has just typed away and not checked the spelling, the grammar or the punctuation before committing to the live environment.

I must admit it often makes me wince, as I am sure many of you do, when reading something with such obvious spelling mistakes; but I am not going to use this blog to expose spelling mistakes etcetera.  This is for me to post articles from time to time on matters which interest me, and may interest you as well, on a diverse range of subjects.

My aim is to try to produce articles which read well and are fairly constructed, although some of you may go: “Pshaw!  What an awful piece of tosh that man has committed.”  Oh well, you cannot please them all.  Criticism is welcomed and, if I am wrong about something, I always appreciate being put on the right track - and thank you.

If you enjoy what I write, please leave a comment and pass on the address to anybody you think may enjoy or appreciate the content.

Now, complete non sequitur, don’t forget: “Pictures are Hung, People are Hanged”!

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