Monday 24 December 2018

A Counterblast against Open-necked shirts.

First published on Linked In on the 24th October 2017

As you are all aware, there are many, many posts and articles on Linked-In about business practices and related subjects.  I feel we need something a little more sartorial from time to time to refresh our perspective on Office Life generally.

A Counterblast against Open-necked shirts?  Well, that is a bit strong.  Open-necked shirts for gentlemen are more and more de rigueur these days, and quite right too.

But … then again … a good crisply-ironed shirt with a carefully knotted tie really does cut the mustard – don’t you agree?

Ties come in various sizes, shapes, materials and patterns to allow YOU to express your personality, feelings or demeanour most effectively.

You can go from a thin-bladed dark-hued conservative tie to a flamboyant kipper from day-to-day if you wish – and who hasn’t?

Now, these days, many gents sporting open-necked shirts will pop up just about anywhere with a dash of insouciance; but, you can go anywhere wearing a tie (as part of your outfit) and you will always feel “right”.

With a good suit or jacket, a nicely-knotted tie will always look the bees-knees (business).

Look around at leaders in various communities: business, science, political, military, academic and other sectors, when they are “on parade” the gentlemen will invariably be wearing a tie.  The ladies will have their own dress code and will always step up to the mark admirably.  As can be seen, the tie is the centre-point of the ensemble and, properly selected, can set the tone faultlessly.

So, go to it, gents, have a look in the back of your wardrobe, dig out the pile of old ties lying there (dry-clean the most frowsty) and select the one which tells the world that you are here and are a force to be reckoned with.

Dress right, feel right, go to it – or should I say: get knotting.

Not a Windsor knot if you are in the Armed Services by the way (but that’s another story).

Hats and umbrellas next.

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